88 E. Saddle River Rd.
Saddle River, NJ  07458

201-327-5663   Office
201-327-7063   Fax
88 E. Saddle River Rd.
Saddle River, NJ  07458
201-327-5663   Office
201-327-7063   Fax


Outreach Programs

Christmas Giving

Once again this year, our parish will be providing Christmas gifts for underprivileged children and families in and around Newark through St. Michael's parish. Trees are in the church lobby with tags for either a child or a family.

There is also opportunity to provide a meal for a family ($75 minimum) or make a donation to the food pantry at St. Michael's ($10 minimum). Simply place your donation in a well marked envelope and drop it in the collection or return to the parish office. Cards are available for these two opportunities that you may make the gift in honor of someone on your personal gift list.

If you have questions contact the parish office at 201-327-5663.


Walk-In Dinner Program

Our parish has been participating in the Walk-In Dinner program of the Inter-religious Fellowship for the Homeless for the past eighteen years. Many parishioners volunteer to help prepare the dinner, while others drive to Hackensack to deliver the meal and serve. We do this on a regular basis - about eight times a year. In preparation for our evening in Hackensack, we have a "sign-up" session after Mass so that the parishioners, who can volunteer to cook or serve, can commit to the date. The date for the next WID is announced at Mass and in the bulletin.

If you would like further information, please contact Carol Lee Crowley at the Parish Office at 201-327-5663.


Food Pantry Collection

On the first weekend of each month, the parishioners donate bags of food to stock the food pantry at St. Michael's Parish in Newark. Suggested items are rice, pasta, canned tuna, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit, canned vegetables, and other basics. The food is delivered to St. Michael's for distribution after the noon Mass on Sunday begins.



In July 2013 Sr. Esther travelled to Haiti to experience first hand how our parish may pair with a parish in Haiti. Sr. Marilyn Minter is our contact there, (Sr. Marilyn has given talks and missions here at St. Gabriel's) and introduced Sr. Esther to the pastor at St. Yves Parish.

If you would like further information, please contact Maureen at the Parish Office 201-327-5663.