88 E. Saddle River Rd.
Saddle River, NJ  07458

201-327-5663   Office
201-327-7063   Fax
88 E. Saddle River Rd.
Saddle River, NJ  07458
201-327-5663   Office
201-327-7063   Fax


Parish Registration

We are happy to have you in our parish and are providing this form for your
 convenience. Please tab or click to move between fields. DO NOT use the enter key
 until you are ready to submit the completed form. Please contact the Parish Office if you
 have any questions or encounter any difficulty in submitting the registration form.

Click Submit Form to send this information to St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish.

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*Required fields

*Registration Option Register a New Family Update an Existing Family *ID/Env:  
       Note: Just enter the field(s) that need to be updated.

Head of Household
Title *First Name *Last Name Suffix
Relationship   Middle Name   Nickname Maiden Name
  Birth Date *Gender Female   Male
Grade/Degree   Religion   Language Marital Status
  Special Need
Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication,
select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply.
  Phone 1 ( ) - Unlisted
  Phone 2 ( ) - Unlisted
  Email 1   Unlisted
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible
Sacraments   Name Received Date Place
   First Communion

Title   First Name   Last Name Suffix
Relationship   Middle Name   Nickname Maiden Name
  Birth Date   Gender Female   Male
Grade/Degree   Religion   Language Marital Status
  Special Need
Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication,
select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply.
  Phone 1 ( ) - Unlisted
  Phone 2 ( ) - Unlisted
  Email 1   Unlisted
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible
Sacraments   Name Received Date Place
   First Communion

Family Street Address
*Line 1
  Line 2

Family Mailing Address
  Line 1
  Line 2

Family Alternate Address
  Line 1
  Line 2

Family Phone Numbers
Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication,
select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply.
*Primary ( ) - Unlisted
  Other ( ) - Unlisted
Family Email Address
*Email   Unlisted
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible

Member 1   Type  
Title   First Name   Last Name Suffix
Relationship   Middle Name   Nickname Maiden Name
Ethnicity   Birth Date   Gender Female   Male
Grade/Degree   Religion   Language Marital Status
  Special Need
Note: If you would like to receive a text message when your parish sends a quick communication,
select your provider from the Description drop-down list. Standard text messaging rates apply.
  Phone 1 ( ) - Unlisted
  Phone 2 ( ) - Unlisted
  Email 1   Unlisted
Send Email Instead of Mail When Possible
Sacraments   Name Received Date Place
   First Communion

Click Submit Form to send this information to St. Gabriel the Archangel Parish.

The on-line parish registration form requires a screen with a wider display.

Because the registration form requires a reasonable amount of typing, it was designed to be filled in from a computer sized screen with a normal keyboard. If you are using a hand held device, try turning it to landscape mode. Otherwise use a desktop computer.

We apologize for the inconvenience